I wanted to make a Bikely route for the whole ride, but it ended up being too large for bikely to handle. So I made a Google Earth file of it instead.
I wanted to make a Bikely route for the whole ride, but it ended up being too large for bikely to handle. So I made a Google Earth file of it instead.
The most frequently recurring reflection I have is that in my first day’s log entry, I mention not envying Graydon and Frances having to go back up the hill at Agassiz the next day. Naturally, I then spend a good chunk of the next day grinding halfway up the Cascades to Hope Slide. The other […]
The bike I used was an old lugged-construction road racing bike (early 80s Miele), to which I’d added a triple-chainring crankset (Campagnolo Veloce 52/42/26; the granny ring was taken from a different crankset), larger range freewheel (7 speed, 13-28), reversible clipless/platform pedals, fenders (though I stripped off the rear fender pretty early on), a suspension-designed […]
My tendon is now at the point where it feels quite normal (without drugs) until I go and do something foolish like walk around on it a whole bunch. The little lump around my tendon, that seems to be the peak of the swelling has also almost disappeared, so I’m planning to hit the road […]