Bikely map With no climatic horrors, and with my host needing to head to work in the morning, I got on the road at around 9am. I stopped at a local community centre to recheck my route to Point Pleasant Park (for once I reached Halifax), and see the weather forecast for the day. I […]
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8. Nova Scotia,
Riding Days on July 23, 2008 | There are currently
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Bikely map Once again, rain furnished me with an excuse for a late start so by the time I’d shown my remaining route to the Atlantic Canada Cycling folks (who didn’t really have any suggested improvements to make — something I’d blame partly on consulting their website when planning the route back in Edmundston), breakfasted […]
Bikely map Between the late night the night before, attempting to avoid getting rained on too much by sleeping in a little extra, and trying not to have to deal with too many bugs, I wasn’t really up until around 10am, and on the road until 12:30.